Month: June 2009

  • More Links To Iran

    I am following Change_for_Iran on Twitter, which is pointing me to some photo sets and other information on what is happening in Iran right now. Here are two links. I don’t entirely know the value of watching – on one hand it feels voyeuristic. I’m hoping the value is to know, and that’s enough to…

  • American Journalist and Filmmaker in Iran

    American Journalist and Filmmaker in Iran

    My friend James Longley is a documentary filmmaker working in Tehran. I wrote to check in on him today, and he wrote back with an account of what has been happening for him there. June 14, 3:51 pm “About three hours ago I was interviewing people on the street in downtown Tehran with my translator,…

  • Smackdown bears results

    An artist named Kahlil Almustafa put the advice some of us gave on the Field’s Smackdown panel last month to good use. I’m so happy that what we talked about had a direct impact on him and his working partner. See here: An Honest Conversation About Money

  • TCG Post-show Exchange

    Morgan v P Pecelli and Andy Horwitz (aka “I’d rather watch the fat kid dance” and “Culturebot”) have a couple posts up in response to this year’s TCG conference. I was there for several hours, accepting an award given to ERS for innovation in the field. Taken together, Morgan and Andy’s posts, plus…