Month: August 2009

  • A question for you

    I am soliciting thoughts and ideas. I am working on a new piece called Appointment,, which will have its first in-progress performance at Prelude next month. It’s a series of repeatable performances for one performer and one viewer. Right now I’m writing and thinking, and here’s what I’m hoping I can pull off: I want…

  • Collective Arts Think Tank is live

    Collective Arts Think Tank has unveiled itself! does that mean? A few months ago, a blog exchange among a couple artists, a couple presenters, a journalist, sundry arts professionals and a funder or two, about the state of contemporary live performance, took place on WNYC’s Performance Club blog ( A few of us were…

  • Appointment


    I’m beginning what I hope will be an ongoing collaborative performance project called Appointment this fall. It’s a series of repeatable 12-15 performances works, created in collaboration with artists, students and other folks, for one audience member and one performer (mostly). Appointment will first be presented at the Prelude Festival here in New York, on…

  • Harry


    Not posting for a while because I’ve been consumed with the arrival of Harold Emmett Landsman. Born July 14, at 3:31AM, weighing in at 8 pounds, 7 ounces. We hope to take him to France for his birthday before he’s too old not to think all the celebrating’s for him. He is delicious and amazing.…