Month: September 2011

  • Occupiers


    Part of what moves me so much about the Occupy Wall Street protests and their offshoots is the earnestness. Part of it is the times we live in seeming to demand direct action, part of it is the commitment to non-violence and to thoughtful communication. But probably the biggest part of it for me is…

  • Labor Day in Urbana, IL

    Labor Day in Urbana, IL

    I had an awesome experience on Labor Day, here at the Urbana, IL Labor Day Parade. There were the usual floats – unions, candidates, fire trucks, etc. And then a woman of about 60, dressed head-to-toe as a thrift-store Mother Jones came by on foot, waving a flag and talking to people. The family of…

  • How does a city evolve?

    I was lucky enough to spend the weekend in Detroit. Among other activities, I got to hang out and work with some incredible artists who’d just been awarded fellowships from The Kresge Foundation, I had beers with a couple radical priests, one my father-in-law, I drove through the always mystifying cityscape, and I talked to…

  • Contemporary National Politics Today

    So, the right are basically two-year-olds throwing tantrums, pulling everything off the shelves, breaking all the dishes and hurting themselves. They are tearing apart the house. The Democrats’ response is to stand in alternate between saying “don’t do that,” and, “Look at us! We’re not that mad! We’re reasonable!” Meanwhile the kids have gotten ahold…

  • Prose poem?

    I am cleaning out files and folders. I came across this. Is it enough to stand alone as a prose poem? Please answer in the comments below: ****  ” She could tell by his breathing what the dream was about. He had told her enough times after waking and she could often remember the particular…